What is Flotation Therapy?
Flotation therapy involves floating effortlessly in an Epsom salt and water mixture. The water in our flotation rooms contain approximately 1,000 pounds of dissolved pharmaceutical grade Epsom salt. The salt water mixture provides many benefits, including greatly increased buoyancy. The Epsom salt naturally helps to relax muscles and ease inflammation. It also offers a variety of physical and mental health benefits.
You’ll be floating comfortably in about 10” of warm, shallow water. It is kept at 93.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about the same temperature as your skin. Because of the precisely controlled environment, as you float you start to lose track of which parts of your body are in the water or in the air, contributing to a truly out of this world experience. The warm water helps your body relax. When you float, there’s zero stimulation. You won’t be distracted by lights, sounds, movement, or any of the other chronic stressors of modern life. With flotation therapy, you simply disconnect from the world and relax for an hour in serene silence.
Promotes Relaxation
We all live in a fast-paced world, it can feel like you are completely overloaded with information. Just walk into any department store, and you’ll be bombarded with loud noises, bright lights, colorful advertisements, and lots of movement. This causes the brain to become overstimulated, which is linked to anxiety and other problems. The more time you spend in a state of sensory overload, the harder it is to find peace and stillness. Over time, this can take a large toll both physically and mentally. Flotation therapy is the answer to overstimulation. It allows both your body and your mind to completely relax.
Eases Anxiety
Flotation therapy has been found to help decrease anxiety levels. The practice has been studied in police officers and veterans who have PTSD. It has been found to help reduce the anxiety associated with the trauma because flotation therapy decreases activation in the part of the brain known as the amygdala, which helps reduce anxiety levels. Researchers say that flotation therapy acts on the brain in a similar way as drugs that are prescribed for anxiety. The difference is that these prescription drugs — Ativan, Valium, and similar — are highly addictive and have plenty of other side effects. Compared to these drugs, flotation therapy is a much safer way to reduce anxiety. Plus, research has found that the stress-relieving effects of flotation are long-lasting. They help reduce anxiety levels for up to four months after treatment.
Increases Function
How does flotation therapy help you function better? It helps get rid of metabolic waste, improves circulation, eases muscle tension and calms the mind — all of which help you function better in daily life, overcome chronic stress and recovery faster after exercise.
Professional athletes have a good understanding that flotation therapy helps them function better. Tom Brady had a float tank installed in his home! British Olympic bronze medalist Tasha Danvers used flotation therapy all during her training and Danvers teammate Jade Johnson also uses flotation therapy. She told Fitness magazine that she believed that flotation therapy was one of the things that helped her set a personal best record and qualified for the Beijing Olympics. According to Johnson, flotation therapy helped relieve pressure from her back.
Is it Sanitary?
The simple answer is, yes. We feel your safety and enjoyment is critical to our success and to your overall satisfaction in the experience. Certainly an unclean or unsanitary environment would lower your enjoyment and potentially lead to unsafe conditions. We are committed to maintaining high levels of hygiene during your entire visit to our wellness facility. Each flotation suite is cleaned and sanitized between clients and the water in each float room is treated with an industry leading purification process.
Each spa is filled with approximately 200 gallons of clean purified water and 1,000 Lbs of a pharmaceutical grade Epsom salt. Once dissolved into the water, that concentration of salt alone would be an excellent sanitizer. In addition to the antibacterial properties of our salt water solution, we employ a rigorous purification protocol to ensure quality.
Our purification system operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The water in each spa progresses through a complete purification cycle between each client. Our DEL AOP50 filtration system is NSF, UL, cUL certified and meets North American Float Tank Association and Department Of Health standards. Float water is treated with a minimum of 4 volumetric turnovers between each session. The water flow rate to the filtration units is measured with flow meters to ensure four complete turnovers of the water has been attained between each session. Filtrations include treatment by UV, Ozone and passage through a 1 micron filter bag. One micron is about 1/50th of a human hair! H202 is processed with the UV and Ozone to produce Peroxone AOP. Peroxone AOP quickly destroys bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other contaminants in the water. The water in each float room is tested daily for quality and is monitored by periodic bacteriological testing. Water quality adjustments are made immediately as necessary.
Will I Feel Claustrophobic?
Claustrophobia can be the fear of closed or narrow spaces, or even just a feeling of discomfort associated with restricted movement. Aware of this common concern, we purposely designed our wellness facility to incorporate flotation rooms instead of more confined flotation pods or tanks. The benefits are the same, but with much more space to feel comfortable in. The interior dimensions of our flotation rooms are 7’10” in length, 4’4” in width and 7’3” in height. They are much closer in dimensions to a small room than an enclosed pod or tank. Once inside the float room, there is plenty of room to spread out. You can allow your body to stretch out fully without any restriction of movement.
Each of our flotation suites have a private changing area and shower. If desired, you can feel free to leave the door to your float room open while maintaining privacy. If darkness is a concern, you can even keep a small light on during your session.
If you have any concerns not addressed, please feel free to contact us an one of our friendly staff with be happy to help in any way possible.
Industry Leading Filtration Units
The entire saltwater solution is circulated through our NSF certified filtration system 4 times between each session.